The whole philosophy behind our BayWatch system is to provide you with the ability to quickly transform operational data into useful information for:
In our last post, we talked about two of BayWatch’s major data points and how they can help you benchmark and grade your compressed air systems and compressors, as well as measure industry-standard KPIs.
Today, we’re going to explore more features and how they can assist you with your compressed air systems and air compressors:
Measuring your compressed air system’s demand is extremely important for calculating costs and having systems than run smoothly.
In an article for Hydraulics & Pneumatics, R. Scot Foss notes:
“Typically, 80% of total demand is unregulated. As real demand increases, supply pressure drops and 80% of the total use volume diminishes proportionally to the reduced density of the supply air. The inverse is also true.”
Through our BayWatch system, you can receive alerts about any unregulated demand your system has.
The goal of these alerts is to measure your system flow vs. your compressor flows (remember: these are two of the main KPIs we recommend that you measure).
If there’s a big discrepancy, that could indicate that there is a lot of unregulated demand that can be fixed.
You can see how much air you are losing because of:
In essence, BayWatch will compare both the system flow and the compressor flow to determine where the problems are and provide you with any of the above alerts that affect your system.
The BayWatch Charting Engine allows you to visualize your compressed air system performance intuitively.
Before they work with us, many of our customers never really looked at the data behind their compressed air system because they didn’t have an easy way to do so.
Without this data, they couldn’t see long-term trends like performance degradation or more and more air usage for the same production schedules (indicating that something was wrong with the air system, leaks, or a stuck valve).
But now, with the BayWatch Charting Engine, you can!
We give you all the data you need, including information about your compressed air system that you may not have even thought about before (for example, having compressors that run 24/7 even though production is only Monday-Friday, 8 am-6 pm).
BayWatch can compare your compressor performance before and after overhauls and major service.
Essentially, we use performance data to empirically measure whether air compressors perform better after they’ve been repaired or rebuilt (which can cost $100K per compressor).
Sometimes, companies will invest in rebuilding an air compressor, only to have it perform worse than before the rebuild. In these cases, BayWatch is an invaluable tool for companies to hold vendors accountable for their work.
Like all equipment, preventative and regular maintenance is needed for air compressors.
Our compressor maintenance reminders mostly consist of performance alerts and surge tune reminders.
These automated task management/reminders about maintaining air compressors ensure that you regularly service and maintain them to increase their service life and operational efficiency.
Have you ever run into any issues with leaks, open valves, or other unregulated demand in your compressed air system? What did you do to resolve it?