A Quick Guide to Metered Assessments – and Why They Matter

Controls 101
A Quick Guide to Metered Assessments – and Why They Matter BayControls Banner Image

“We are moving slowly into an era where Big Data is the starting point, not the end.” 
Pearl Zhu, “Digital Master”

Data is the foundation of Bay Controls.

We believe that without data, you can’t improve your compressed air system and functionality.

The key point, though, is that it needs to be actionable data—data that you can use to implement positive, process-driven change in your facility or organization.

As part of our approach to compressed air intelligence, we institute a process that begins with a survey and ends with follow through. This approach is tailored to all of our customers’ needs.

The starting point?

Data collection.

What’s the best way to collect data?

Metered assessments.

Since, in many ways, metered assessments are the crux of our data collection process—where we gain insight into your compressed air systems and compressors—many of our customers ask us what they are, and what they usually look like.

So let’s explore what a metered assessment might look like—and what actionable data it can provide.

Metered Assessments: What are They?

A metered assessment, in its simplest form, is when we install instrumentation—meters—to data-log and measure any specific and relevant information about your compressed air system (e.g., motor power, flow, etc.) over a certain length of time.

All of the data is collected using either BayView or BayWatch, our plant monitoring and intelligence systems.

The goal of our metered assessments is to fully understand a plant’s needs and identify opportunities for improvements.

Equally as important, we use metered assessments to establish a baseline. This allows us to show you how much your compressed air system is costing you and then look into ways we can cut costs by a certain percentage (for example, 20%) and save a specific dollar amount annually.

What do Metered Assessments Measure?

In general, we set up our metered assessments to measure key performance indicators, or KPIs.

Some important KPIs to measure might include:

  • % Blow Off
  • Motor Power
  • Inlet Temp
  • System Flow
  • System Pressure

Metered Assessment Example—and How It Helped

While working with a Tier 1 auto supplier who was concerned that their compressed air system wasn’t operating as efficiently as it could be, we utilized a metered assessment in order to:

  1. Fully understand the plant compressed air demand during different production periods
  2. Identify potential savings opportunities

Over a two-week period, we gathered information about their compressed air system using a few specific KPIs:

Metered Assessment

What did the data collected by the metered assessment show us about this Tier 1 auto supplier?

  • They were fully utilizing their air compressors during the weekday shifts, but were running them unloaded for long periods of time during the weekend shifts.
  • During the weekend shift, their compressors were also venting air (blowing off).
  • The plant pressure was actually higher during the Sunday shift than the weekday shifts (108 psi vs. 105-106.5 psi).

Using this data, we were able to build an accurate model of their compressed air usage and needs, share it with the facility manager, and then identify a few ways in which the supplier could significantly reduce their compressed air energy use.

Interested in knowing more about how we showed this supplier that they could generate annual savings of $61,000 and how we assisted them with reaching their energy goals? Then check out this case study!


Metered assessments are powerful and vital tools that are at the forefront of data collection.  Without data, you can’t have insight into your compressed air system.  Without insight, you can’t identify opportunities for energy savings or increased productivity—or have complete compressed air intelligence.

Would you like to know more about metered assessments, data collection, or our work with the tier 1 auto supplier? Let us know!


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